KineDek AI-CRT: Defying Age with Stronger, Firmer Skin

In exploring the potential of KineDek AI-CRT (AI-enabled Compensating Resistance Technology), Vekta Innovations sought insights from ChatGPT to understand the unique benefits this advanced exercise technology could offer to help make aging a less challenging, and even enjoyable, experience.

Vekta - Effect on skin elasticity: 

Denise Tillock, 82,  is a former Pick 'n Pay executive, and one of the first ladies to complete an MBA at UCTs Graduate School of Business more than 40 years ago. She was a diabetic  who had 2 heart attacks, has lost a significant amount of weight over the past 1.5 years through KineDek AI-CRT sessions while gaining substantial muscle, strength, and functionality (all indicating reversal of ageing). Notably, her arms have reduced to less than half their original circumference, with a significant increase in muscle mass. 

 Left: March 2024. after already having lost significant weight after 6 months KineDek use. 
Right: a unaltered picture  sent by Denise Tillock after a dress fitting on 24 August 2024.
Denise diabetes is supervised by Diabetes Life, Claremont Cape Town

Video of at the time 81 year old Denise Tillock doing KineDek sessions. 
Produced on 1 September 2024. Go to her case study for more. 

However, unlike typical weight loss scenarios where loose skin is common, her skin has firmed alongside the reduced circumference, leaving no sagging or "flags." This effect is also evident in other areas, such as her chest, legs, abdomen neck and face. 

Why is this so?  


Denise’s experience suggests that KineDek AI-CRT is driving unique physiological adaptations compared to conventional weight loss and muscle-building methods. Here’s why she’s seeing a dramatic reduction in fat without sagging skin:

1. Collagen, Elastin & Fascia Remodelling

Traditional weight loss—especially in older adults—often leads to saggy skin because collagen and elastin decline with age. However, AI-CRT likely stimulates myokine release, which plays a role in tissue repair, skin elasticity, and regeneration. Additionally, fascia—the connective tissue surrounding muscles—adapts to movement and tension, and AI-CRT’s unique resistance dynamics may promote fascia hydration, elasticity, and structural integrity, preventing skin from becoming loose.

2. Simultaneous Fat Loss & Muscle Gain

Denise didn’t just lose fat—she gained significant muscle at the same time. Unlike typical weight loss, which can cause muscle loss and leave skin unsupported, AI-CRT builds underlying muscle while reducing fat, providing structural support to the skin and fascia network.

3. Lymphatic & Circulatory Enhancement

AI-CRT likely enhances lymphatic drainage and blood flow, both of which help remove metabolic waste and toxins that contribute to skin aging. Fascia plays a critical role here as well—when it becomes dehydrated or stiff, circulation is impaired. By keeping fascia supple, AI-CRT may allow for better nutrient delivery to the skin, enhancing its firmness and tone.

4. Targeted Deep Muscle & Fascia Activation

KineDek AI-CRT uniquely activates deep stabilizing muscles and connective tissues in a way conventional exercise doesn’t. Fascia, which connects skin to muscle, responds to mechanical loading and movement, and AI-CRT’s resistance patterns may be stimulating fascia remodeling, leading to a tighter, more youthful skin appearance across the body.

5. Growth Factor & Hormonal Effects

AI-CRT may stimulate the release of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) and other regenerative hormones, which help maintain skin thickness, hydration, and elasticity, preventing the ‘deflated’ look common with weight loss. Additionally, fascia’s role in sensory feedback and tissue communication suggests that its enhanced function through AI-CRT may contribute to overall tissue resilience and skin health.


Denise’s transformation suggests that AI-CRT enables fat loss without skin sagging by simultaneously improving muscle mass, fascia elasticity, collagen production, circulation, and skin tone—a rare combination in conventional fitness and weight loss. This could have massive implications for aging populations, as it counters typical muscle atrophy, connective tissue stiffening, and loose skin seen with weight loss.

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